
Configuring Your Hugo Site

Config File

For each site, there is a configuration file with one of the following extensions: .toml, .yaml, or .json.

Configuration Settings

There are several hugo variables that can be specifically defined in the configuration file. Most of the common ones are: baseURL: menu: publishDir: sets the directory where Hugo will create all of the static site files. sitemap:
theme: The theme to be used for the site. themesDir: The directory where the theme is located. title: The title of the site.

Front Matter

Front matter is a section of code at the top of each of your content files. Using it will allow you to keep metadata attached as well as define other things.

There are four types of front matter types: toml, yaml, json and org. Eash is identified by different tokens. Toml is identified by +++ at the opening and closing, yaml is identified by —, json uses curly braces {} and is formatted like json, and org is #+ and has ke$


Archetypes are preconfigured front matterr templates. When one runs the command “hugo new " to create a new page, hugo will look for an archetype definition w$

One can create an archetype for different files (pages/posts/etc).