Hugo Extended

Hugo Extended Information.


At this time, using Hugo Extended with SASS/SCSS, we will need to work with you more closely to work through some of the nuances of build and deploy. Please contact us, if you are using such a setup. Hosting Support

What is Hugo Extended?

If you process SCSS or SASS to CSS in your Hugo project, you will need the extended Hugo version. Hugo 0.43 adds a powerful and very simple to use Assets Pipeline with SASS and SCSS with source map support, PostCSS and minification and fingerprinting and Subresource Integrity and … much more. Oh, did we mention that you can now do ad-hoc image processing and execute text resources as Go templates?

Install Hugo Extended


If you have hugo already installed, you will need to remove it.

sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove hugo

Determine the url for the extended version by going to here:


Once the download is complete, install with dpkg

dpkg -i hugo_extended_0.65.3_Linux-64bit.deb

If there is a dependency error, then run the following command to resolve:

apt-get install -f

Check version

hugo version


Find release version wanted:

Download the selected binary, which by default goes to the Downloads folder.

In the terminal window:

cd /usr/local/bin

Create a directory for this version of Hugo (example used).

mkdir "hugo-0.57.2"

Go to that hugo version named folder and run (example used)

cd hugo-0.57.2
tar zxf ~/Downloads/hugo_0.57.2_macOS-64bit.tar.gz

Open the hugo file (from a unidentified developer) via the Finder.

Control-click on the app and click through the confirmation warning.

Confirm it’s working via the terminal prompt

./hugo version

Set up an alias via shell config file alias.

cd to your home directory, and edit your shell config file to include (example used) the line like

alias hugo57='/usr/local/bin/hugo-0.57.2/hugo'

save, exit and test with version command (example used)

hugo57 version


Use the installation instructions here, but change the version to the extended one.