VT One Theme Configuration

VT One Theme Configuration.

The VT One theme sample configuration file is a simple config file, located in the exampleSite folder.

Basic Configuration

baseURL = "/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "My New Hugo Site"
theme = "vt-one"

The baseURL, languageCode and theme located at the top of the config.toml file are basic required configs for the theme.

To change the title of your site to your Department, edit the title.

Do not change the following:

buildfuture = true

    section = ['HTML','JSON']


  changefreq = "monthly"
  filename = "sitemap.xml"
  priority = 0.5

The sitemap can be viewed here /sitemap.xml.

There is a built-in template for the sitemap, but one can define a custom one in either layouts/sitemap.xml or layouts/_default/sitemap.xml, see Hugo Sitemap Template Example

    identifier = "about"
    name = "About"
    url = "/about/"

    identifier = "posts"
    name = "Posts"
    url = "/posts/"

    identifier = "news"
    name = "News"
    url = "/news/"

The sample site menu shows a samples of the main and sub-menu items.

Each menu item has to have a definition in the config file along with it’s corresponding information in the corresponding page.

For example, the news page, is a main menu item.

    identifier = "news"
    name = "News"
    url = "/news/"

At the top of the /content/news.md file is the following:

title = "News"
description = "News Sample Page"
date = "2018-02-11"
menu = "mainmenu"
type = "news"
layout = "news"

The menu used is declared in the statement “menu = “mainmenu”. The “type” and “layout” definitions are for the templates. The “type” corresponds to the folder layouts/news, and the layout definition corresponds to the file layouts/news/news.html.


The params listed are defined and are a sample. Edit these to correspond to your department’s information. Adding your own defined parameters is acceptable.

    Dept="SITE NAME"
    DeptTitle="Division of Information Technology"
    Address="800 Drillfield Drive /Suite 314"
    tel="(540) 231-4227"
    ContactTitle="Contact the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology"

Other Configurations

There are other configuration definitions that can be added, see Hugo Configuration for more information.