How To VT One

How To Guide for VT One theme.


All of your content pages are coded with markdown language and html, etc.

Dillinger Markdown Editor

Markdown Cheatsheet

Modifications (Layout/Partials/Shortcodes)

Certain areas of the templates are not to be modified without prior consent from Advancement/University Relations. See here

If you would need to make a modification of one of the layout/partial/shortcode files, do so in the corresponding folder of your-site/layout/ folder and not in the your-site/themes/vt-one/layouts/ folder.


There are several parts to the templates that make up the theme: layouts, partials and shortcodes.

The underlying language of Hugo is GO, and there are Go variables and code sections within the templates. The use of variables in the shortcodes, helps to make those sections repeatable.

Q & A

(coming soon)