VT One Theme Sample Site

VT One theme Installation and Sample Site Instructions.

Create a Hugo Site

hugo new site mysite

Initialize the site folder with git

cd mysite
git init

Install the VT One Theme

Go to the repository where the VT One theme is located: https://code.vt.edu/devcom/hugo-vt-one-theme

Copy the git or https url clone the theme.


Either download the theme manually, unzip and copy to your sites’ themes directory or use the git submodule command to make the theme a submodule.

Install theme using git submodule command

git submodule add git@code.vt.edu:devcom/hugo-vt-one-theme.git themes/vt-one

Manually download the theme

Click on the download button in the main repo page. There will be four options for downloads: .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, and .tar.

Extract the files and copy the entire folder to your site’s themes directory.

NOTE: By using this method, if there are any updates or changes made to the theme, you won’t be able to get them without downloading and updating the theme manually.

VT One Configuration File

Copy the exampleSite/config.toml file to your site’s main directory

cp themes/vt-one/exampleSite/config.toml .

VT One Sample Content

Copy the exampleSite/content/ items to your site’s main content folder.

cp -R themes/vt-one/exampleSite/content/* content/

Build the site

Run the hugo command to build the site


Deploy the site

Run the hugo server -D command to deploy the site.

hugo server -D

You will be able to see it locally on your machine at localhost:1313/

More defined instructions for installing a theme can be found here: Hugo Basic Usage or here Hugo Tutorials